Level Up Your Marketing – Website Dojo

Black Belt Level Back To School Video Scripts

August 29, 2019 | By Indro Dojo Digital

Ready to master back-to-school time leveraging the power and reach of Facebook and Instagram? Time to practice your video skills because a few awesome videos will help you get the attention of new leads this year. Back-to-school is always a stressful time of year when parents start feeling anxious about their kids and how they’ll […]

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Engage Your Prospects On Social By Telling A Great Story

August 28, 2019 | By Indro Dojo Digital

  Storytelling is a great skill to have when marketing your martial arts school.  Even if you got a marketing degree, chances are there was no storytelling lecture at the time. Afterall, you opened a martial arts school because of your love for the martial arts… Nobody ever mentioned having to become a marketing ninja […]

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Defining Your Customer Avatar

August 5, 2018 | By Indro Dojo Digital

One of the biggest mistakes businesses often make when crafting their marketing message is trying to make a “one size fits all” advertising campaign, often talking about what they do rather then how it helps the customer. Broad, generic ads are very unlikely to resonate with anyone, and will often produce disappointing results. Before you […]

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10 Questions to Ask Your Next Website Company

March 27, 2017 | By Indro Dojo Digital

Unless you are 100% satisfied with your website’s lead generation and performance, at some point you will likely find yourself having to choose a new website solution for your martial arts school. I created this article to give you some insight on what your options should be, and to give you a checklist so you […]

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10 Reasons to Switch to Website Dojo

February 25, 2017 | By Indro Dojo Digital

Completely Customized Graphics, Photos & Content, 100% Mobile Optimized. The Design Process is EASY!Our designers Auto Pilot the design and Setup Process;In 2-3 Weeks you will get your first proof, and we fine tune it to make it 100% to your liking.Website is Responsive, and resizes according to device it is being viewed on.Completely Customizable […]

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Email Whitelist Instructions

January 1, 2017 | By Indro Dojo Digital

 Email Whitelist Instructions   Your providers do the best they can to keep spam out, but sometimes the systems they use mistakenly catch good mail along with it. So, we ask that you add us to your trusted list of senders, contacts or address book. All also known as “Whitelisting.” If you do not see […]

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